Tuesday 25 October 2011

A Woman - An Epitome of life

It was a Saturday this cold afternoon, inside this house there lived a frightened young girl. She didn't know what she should do because she missed her mother sorely. She was left all alone with her stepfather. He touched her places that he should not have touched. He did some things to her that he should not have done, so she ran into her room; paged her mother 10777. She told her mother and family and friends but sadly no one believed her because before this happened - she was filled with hate and anger towards her stepfather because he had taken her mother from her when they married.
She looked for a father in the man that she saw in a quest for love, security and happiness. One day the young girl rebelled and she fell in love with a like her stepfather. He abused her emotionally and made her like she was worthless...

To all the sisters, aunts, mothers, daughters - all the women and girls who have been down this route or are treading on this path, I want you to know one thing: it is not fault, it will never be! How is sexual abuse ever an innocent girl's fault? How is emotional abuse a wife's fault? Is this what nature intended for us? No, never! God created us to be valued as complements in men's lousy lives not punching bags and sexual objects and domestic slavery!

Sisters we are beautiful, we are strong! We carry a 4kg baby in our bellies and still do all domestic chores and still carry the weight of a 90kg man when the sun sets! Could this self acclaimed leaders called men do that? And we still walk in heels and get the floor spotless clean?

We are fortresses, pillars of strength, epitomes of life!

You have not lost your feminity and woman beauty and pride that God deservedly bestowed in you simply because a man has vandalised your physique.

I'm not angry but mad as hell! Afforded a chance to sit with a women abuser or rapist: heaven only knows the outcome.
Fed up!

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