Tuesday 25 October 2011

I Beat Cancer - A Sly Thief

I wish I could explain to you,
about just how I feel inside.
My love for man and nature
and my feelings that collide.

I'm not sure what happened,
or just what it is I feel.
But what's going on inside of me,
is not something I can conceal.

I'm striving to explain it
in words I try to write.
I hope that they will bring
my readers some delight.

After I had my cancer
and I survived that scare.
There is many things now
in which I've become aware.

I don't know what happened
on that table there that day.
But I find it much more easy
to make time to stop and pray.

I know now man and nature
are connected to each other.
And if there's no respect,
mankind is soon smother.

At times I feel as if I'm one
with what ever it is inside.
I wish that love and peace
could grow to be worldwide

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