Tuesday 25 October 2011

A mother's daughter

She is her mother's daughter; well groomed to be what she is - respects the low, the high, the meek and the haughty ones; passing out judgement on no one.
She gives praise and honor to the deserving; constructive criticism and opinions when asked. Oh and she loves boundlessly; her love is bounty as boundless; oceanic like the ocean waters.
She despite her earthly achievements still performs the chores of a mother's daughter and still pleases her masters and mistresses in the ruthless corporate world.
Her heart is engraved with the words: kindness, humanity, long-suffering,righteousness, love, strength, courage and wisdom. It's her fear of God that sustains her.
Her true beauty is not what the eye sees. Her  serenity and warmth is what draws the young and old to her. She's a sister, a friend, a pillar of strength, confidante but above all her mother's daughter.

Because she is her mother's daughter - she remembers the wise words from her mother: "you are more than just your hips and thighs"; "respect and treat people of all walks equally"; "do unto others as you would like them to do unto you"; "forgive those that err against you"; "say I'm sorry and thank you - it doesn't demean you". She knows life's journey is thorny and mountainous - she journeys on, who said it would be easy?
Despite the soreness of her heart from being repeatedly hurt, stabbed and betrayed by those she trusted - she still trusts hoping not to be broken.
She laughs and cries - it's all expected of a mother's daughter. It's all the pain, misperception and betrayal - being scratched in all the wrong ways that's made her the finest gem she is - her mother's daughter.

This is whom I am.

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