Wednesday 26 October 2011

Sister 4 Sister

Ladies, who remembers that song that by The Best Man Quartet? It was a single called Best Man? Who would forget those hunks that made up the quartet? Tyrese, Genuwine, Case and that guy that sang We Can't Be Friends with Deborah Cox? Well apart from the movie and characters and video of the song that got us drooling until the end of the song; the song had the most profound lyrics.

I learnt so many things from those lyrical words. Those gentlemen valued the friendship they had. They looked out for each other hence the chorus 'what can a brother a brother do for me if he can't help me up when I am down? If he can't be my eyes when I can't see?' Somewhere in the video the friends fight because the one has cheated with the other's bride but they forgive each other. The wrongdoer shows some remorse and is forgiven. Hence the line sang by Genuwine 'I am still your boy...I don't like the men I used to me be the best man'.

These gentlemen with their hit song taught or should I say teach us so many lessons sisters: 1) Humbling ourselves 2) Apologising and showing remorse 3) Interdependency - that we all exist because we are part of a whole.
This is a lesson from men.

I say we women can do better. We are softhearted by nature and feeling for each other comes naturally. We have these warm motherly qualities bestowed in us. We can do it.

We can start by seeing each other as the same. There's no better people. Whether living in a mansion or in poverty striken rural settlements. We are all women and from time to time encounter the same life challenges from our cheating men, to raising children with the aid of partners or single-handedly. Some of us may have helpers so don't get down to the domestic science but we all carry our breasts on our busts (LOL). Well some of us chose to be lesbians but that does not change them from bearing the same features as the rest of us. We all concerned about rapists whether bisexual or straight.

One thing though that we seem to lack is respect, from all angles of the word. We just have lost it especially when it comes to respecting each other's territories. And this seems to be a global plague, that of snatching each other's men. Sisters! Oh that's the worst thing to do unto each other. How do you drop your panties for another sister's man? Why do we despise each other so much?

Instead of being sources of strength and support and lifting each other up we seem to be in a spree to with so much deliberacy stab each other. I can't overlook the various reasons that vary from sister to sister but all I know is I would rather die a loner than be happy at an expense of another dear sister.

That's what Sister 4 Sister encourages.

Let us be like the gentlemen in the song: love one another, respect each other, be the wind beneath each other's wings.

That is what I call sisterly love. All the way.

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